Thursday, September 2, 2010

Journal #3: Hostage Situation

In Mary Rowlandson's work, A Narrative of the Capture and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, Mary was taken hostage by a tribe of Indians and was a slave to them. She was sold to other Indian groups, and as she was a hostage of the Indians, she dealt with many hardships, starvation, weakness, death, and sadness. Yet in her experience, she trusted God to get her through and to strengthen her each day, and she survived to tell her story.
If I was taken hostage, I would probably not be as calm as Mary. I would be extremely scared, wondering if I was going to survive the incident. However, I would probably not act the same depending on the situation.
For example, if I was suddenly kidnapped, I would not stay quiet and allow them to take me wherever they pleased. Instead, I would kick, scream, and fight back as much as possible. I would make a lot of noise so people could hear me and help me. In that particular case, I would not be calm, rather I would be loud, and I would fight desperately to get away from the kidnappers.
However, if I was taken hostage at a public place, such as school, or the bank, or the mall, by some person with a gun, I would not act like I would in the above-said situation. Instead, I would be calm and do as they told me, until the situation calmed down. If the person with a gun told me to get down to the floor, that is exactly what I would do. If they told me to be quiet and put my hands out in front of me, I would do it. I would not want to make the gunner angry as that person could hurt me and others at the scene.
In each situation though, there is one thing that I would do, no matter what the problem. I would pray to God and trust Him to take care of the hostage situation. I would try my best not to worry as God would take care of me and the other people. This is what I would do if I was in a hostage situation.

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