Thursday, January 6, 2011

Journal #28: Convincing Someone to Do What You Want.

Everyone has told someone to do something for them. It is almost now natural. Your parents tell you to go clean your room, and being the good, diligent, and obedient child, you tell your sibling to clean up your room. Haha! A teacher tells you to do your homework. You are told to do your chores. You tell someone to get you some food or a glass of water. Your basketball coach tells you to get on the line and run. This is just how life goes; we are told what to do, and we tell others what to do. Along with this authority comes rebellion. People do not always listen to a command; they do not do as you ask, and this is where argumentation comes into play. Most people do not take "no" as an answer. For instance, your parents tell you to take swimming lessons or some other sport, and your answer is no. Then they explain to you how it would be good for you, and eventually you are going to swim lessons. In this situation, your parents convinced you to do what they wanted you to do. This also ties into convincing someone of your opinion or getting them to agree with you.
Everyone has an opinion; they have an opinion in politics, in sports, in school, and in basically everything else. Our democratic society is based upon this. You have democrats, republicans, liberals, conservatives, and the independent party. They give their opinions and ideas on what is best for the country and try to convince the rest of the country that they are right. With this comes debates.
Debates is basically giving people a way to argue; they are solely based on arguing. A statement is given, and one side chooses one opinion, and the other side chooses an opposite opinion. Then they argue each other, giving support for their argument in order to win. They can use many different ways to convince the judges that they have the right opinion. Some of these ways are using many facts and statistics to prove a point, give reasons why the other opinion is wrong rather than argue their own, and you can argue your opinion by giving logically analyzing your opinion.

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